主演:Simon Reeve
导演:Simon Reeve
简介:In this two-part series, Simon Reeve travels to Greece, one of the most beautiful, troubled, and extreme countries in Europe. Travelling from the Islands of the Aegean to the rugged and mountainous north, Simon gets behind the picture-postcard image to learn more about Greece and the Greeks - and why the country has faced a seemingly endless economic crisis. Along the way he encounters an extraordinary cast of characters, from rebel monks and gun-toting priests, to desperate migrants and an injured bear cub. The first leg of Simon Reeve’s journey around Greece takes him from the holiday islands of the Aegean to the capital city of Athens. Off the tiny island of Pserimos Simon goes underwater with the divers who still hunt for the sea creature which made these islands rich: the natural sponge. He hears how the island’s population is struggling in the face of declining stocks and the wider economic crisis. Travelling onto Lesvos, just a few miles from the Turkish coast, Simon encounters another of the huge challenges facing the country: the migrant crisis. The island has become Europe’s frontline, with thousands of refugees arriving daily, fundamentally changing the lives of the islanders. On Greece’s largest island, Crete, Simon heads to the rugged mountains where every shepherd is armed and the local priest is also head of the local gun club. Camping out under the stars Simon learns how for Cretans, memories of Germany’s role in the Second World War still colour their view of the Greek debt crisis. In Athens, Simon investigates the effects of that crisis. He hears how hard life is for an impoverished community living in converted shipping containers, and in the city he is confronted by angry protesters - and sees just how quickly these protests can descend into a riot.
主演:JamesPurefoy PiperPerabo PatrickSwayze MichaelClarkeDuncan BillTreacher Jean-PierreCastaldi 迈克·克拉克·邓肯 方·基默 保罗·弗里曼 詹姆斯·鲍弗 卡罗琳·卡弗 西蒙·卡洛 Bernd Pietsch Véronique Koch Erkan Gündüz Bill Treacher 斯特凡·尤尔根 Jean-Pierre Castaldi 帕特里克·斯威兹 让·阿莱西 罗洛·韦克斯 琼·普莱怀特 派珀·佩拉博
导演:Tom Reeve
简介: 乔治是个小伙子,其实并没有什么辉煌的梦想。他的全部希望就是能得到几亩地和几头牛过上平静的日子。他的父亲老乔治却念念不忘自己的梦想杀死一头龙。实际上老乔治曾经离自己的梦想如此之近,以至于有一条龙的身上现在还留着老乔治的长矛。不过那条龙也咬掉了老乔治的双腿做为报复。带着父亲的嘱托,小乔治向邻国英格兰出发,去找寻自己的梦想。不料,英格兰正在举国大乱,原因是国王的宝贝女儿不见了,为了追求赏金或者权力,各种各样的势力都在极力寻找公证。小乔治的到来究竟会给英格兰带来什么?他能实现老乔治的梦想吗?
主演:James Purefoy Piper Perabo Patrick Swayze Michael Clarke Duncan Bill Treacher Jean-Pierre Castaldi
导演:Tom Reeve
主演:玛克辛·皮克 布莱克·哈里森 克里斯汀·博顿利 ElisaLasowski 萨姆·霍尔 ToriHart Erin Shanagher 妮佳·海特洛娃 托莉·巴特勒-哈特
导演:Steve Reeves
简介:The May Fair Hotel is thrilled to be presenting this special gala screening of ‘Keeping Rosy’. With film in its DNA, The May Fair Hotel is synonymous with the film and entertainment industry, and are proud to be supporting independent filmmaking. This British thriller stars Maxine Peake (‘Shameless’), with brilliant performances from Blake Harrison (‘The Inbetweeners’) and Chri...
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