主演:中村优一 Y?ichi Nakamura 桐谷美玲 Mirei Kiritani 高桥优太 Y?ta Takahashi
导演:深川荣洋 Yoshihiro Fukagawa
简介:一直以来,柴原润(中村优一 饰)都是学校游泳队的种子选手,没想到在一次十分重要的比赛中,他竟然落败给了和自己势力悬殊巨大的村井直树(高桥优太 饰)。润的父亲保(渡边一计 饰)是游泳队的教练,他劝说自己的儿子放弃游泳,努力学习功课。就在润的内心产生动摇之时,直树竟然找到了润,希望润能够当自己的指导教练。 就这样,润和直树组成了搭档,随着时间的推移,两人之间的关系越来越亲密,润成为了直树心中不可或缺的存在。终于,在一次练习中,直树无法控制自己内心的情感吻了润,这意外的一吻让润陷入了不知所措的情绪之中,他不知道直树在以什么样的目光凝视着他,亦不知道在自己的内心里,直树有着怎样的分量。
别名:Tell You the Black Sea
主演:Sinan Tuzcu 乌拉史·图纳·阿斯蒂帕 Irem Helvacioglu 穆罕默德·阿里·努罗谷 Öykü Gürman Gözde Kansu Nursim Demir 萨伊德.格纳伊 Cem Kenar Furkan Aksoy Nalan Kuruçim
导演:Emre Kabakusak Osman Sinav Yusuf Ömer Sinav
主演:AliArslan IlkerArslan AnastasiaBaranova DaniBarker JohnBeck BeatBillson DavidBlanka JuanBravoJr. WesleyBraxton DonBridges KevinByrd 朱迪特·巴多斯 KenCampbell JoshChristensen JohnCianciolo JoshCollins MaceCoronel 露辛达·科尔登 娜塔丽·维多利亚 保罗·沃伦 巴德·沃森
导演:崔维斯·贝茨 ZacBlair RyanBosworth PeterCzikrai SteveDaniels BarisErdogan CarlosFaria 托德·E·弗里曼 RodrigoGasparini BrettGlassberg 尼古拉斯·亨弗里斯 SummerJohnson ClintKelly CodyKennedy JasonM.Koch AmaLea WolfgangMatzl ÁlvaroNúñez EricPennycoff PeterPodgursky MiaKateRussel
主演:帕克普泓·隆牧塞侗 阿柏.纳塔温.崴唐缇派特 罗一杰 彭劳勒·特基雅特 林亦乐 塔纳育特·达功塔亚 UsNititornAkkarachotsopon BuildJakapanPuttha 佩泰·松楚瓦 纳塔德·库纳功奇亚 JobYosatornKonglikit NodtNutthasidPanyangarm JJChalachTantijibul BarcodeTinnasitIsarapongporn PingTouchchavitKulkrachang TaNannakunPakapatpornp
导演:KhomKongkiatKhomsiri PepziBanchornVorasataree PondKritsadaWittayakachondej
主演:平采娜·乐维瑟派布恩 查侬·散顶腾古 钟朋·阿卢迪吉朋 娜帕拉·吉拉威宋誊功 瓦查拉·苏克丘姆 查澈威·德查拉朋 辛纳拉·西里朋查瓦雷 安比查娅·萨琼
主演:詹姆斯·肯恩 爱德华·福隆 乔纳森·利普尼基
简介: 缠绵悱恻20年,金钱之爱根据以色列移民在美国追逐梦想的真人真事改编。故事开始于1973年的Tel Aviv,在那Izek在脏乱差的环境下成长,街头混混经常光顾的地下赌场就开在他家酒吧的后面。这所赌场是罪恶的温床,逐渐侵蚀着Izek和他的家人。最后迫不得已,举家迁至洛杉矶。为了追逐梦想重头来过,Izek开始了经商之路,购置地产,经营一家汽车修理厂。他春风得意,处处受到幸运女神的眷顾,尤其是当他与Aline坠入爱河之后。但是好景不长,Izek一直想逃离的罪恶一直如影随形,追随他到每一个角落... Spanning over two decades, "For the Love of Money" follows the true account of an Israeli immigrant who searches for his piece of the A merican dream. The story begins in Tel Aviv in 1973, where a young Izek is raised in a seedy, gangster filled illegal casino that operates behind his family's bar. The casino is a haven for unsavory characters who seek to corrupt him to their way of life. When the violence and crime finds its way to him and his family, Izek (Yuda Levi) and his family relocate to Los Angeles. Hoping to start anew, he pursues his ambitions to become a young entrepreneur by developing small businesses, purchasing real estate, and running an auto repair shop. Success seems to find him at every turn and after falling in love with the beautiful Aline (Delphine Chaneac), luck seems to be on his side. However, it isn't long before the world of crime that Izek tried to escape so long ago continues to doggedly follow him every step of the way...
导演:M.J.Anderson HaikKatsikian
简介:Tracy and his rescue dog Charger have to foil the plans of an Evil Businessman who wants to knock over their beach restaurant in order to build his golf course. With help from his brother, Tracy tries to meet the bills, manage the kitchen (where Charger helps cook!) and still find time to fall in love with the beautiful dancer, Bridget. Through a comedy of errors and mishaps, the humans find they themselves can be rescued by their very own rescue animals.
主演:DanielleBrooks DianeLadd JamesMcCaffrey EdenBrolin ChelseaLopez 克里斯蒂娜·鲁纳
简介: Instead of chasing boys on the beach with her friends, recent college grad Dora finds herself caring for her reclusive Great Aunt in snowy upstate New York. When the imaginative girl discovers her aunt's hidden romantic past, Dora dreams that their revelation will pull Aunt Vera and herself from their mutual depressions.
主演:ThomAdcox-Hernandez EdwardAsner JeffBennett
导演:SaburoHashimoto TakamitsuKawamura KazuoTerada
简介:剧情叙述公元994年的苏格兰城堡,有一群帮助人类捍卫城堡的夜行神龙,他们日间为石像、夜间为神龙,由Goliath所领导。但是却因为人类的阴谋,神龙们几乎被摧毁殆尽。仅存的神龙虽然躲过一劫,但却沉睡了千年之久。当他们醒来时发现世界已经变了,他们如今身处在纽约曼哈顿的现代都会,是由百万富翁 Xanatos将整个城堡移建过来,他希望这群神龙能为他所用。但是历经人类背叛险遭灭族的夜行神龙,如今还会再度相信人类吗?
主演:克里斯蒂安·斯莱特 塞尔玛·布莱尔 罗伯特·劳吉亚
导演:Harvey Kahn
简介: 讲述了随着战争在中东以及世界其他盛产石油的地区蔓延,美国的汽油价格也随之一路飙升:并由此带来一系列的社会混乱和华尔街的动荡。主要做石油生意的神鹰公司也受到重大冲击,不过他们还有挽救公司的最后一张牌——收购利益巨大的俄罗斯石油公司的项目,但核心人物理查德意外去世,野心勃勃的投资银行家汤姆因此替代好友理查德成为这一项目的主导人,并在他的努力下,即将落实项目交易。然而此时意外再次发生,有人要刺杀汤姆阻止交易,十分震惊的汤姆开始调查这交易背后的秘密,最后发现这一切已经不再是简单的商业博弈,还有国家之间的较量,于是他很快意识到现实情况远比金钱和石油更加危急。
主演:D·B·斯威尼 莎拉·巴特勒 马尔科姆·麦克道威尔 伊恩·戈麦斯
导演:Malek Akkad
简介:When the sudden and shocking death of a coworker sends everyone reeling at Gault Capital, JANE, uncovers a very dangerous secret. Her boss, charismatic billionaire Thaddeus Gault, is suspected of massive financial fraud. An assassin, FRANK, is dispatched to silence her forever. Jane's flight from the office is forestalled when her pursuer shuts down her elevator. Now, trapped and alone, Jane must find a way to escape her steel cage before the killer reaches her. This brooding and relentless thriller plunges our heroine, Jane, into a free fall of betrayal and terror. To survive Jane must find the inner strength and courage to defeat the powers that hold her and her dreams captive by fear.
主演:Bijou Phillips Ian Somerhalder Danny Masterson Jane Seymour
导演:Ellie Kanner
简介:Desperate to experience true emotion, a young woman, CARYS, regularly attends the funerals of strangers. But she's unprepared for the secrets she must keep and the lies she must tell when, at one fateful wake, she falls for TYLER, who is mourning his fiancée. As Carys allows herself to experience love for the first time, she begins to fear that perhaps her fascination with death might lead to her own untimely demise...
主演:Lee Remick Marlee Matlin Michael O'Keefe
导演:Karen Arthur
简介:Marg Duffield (Lee Remick) is the Maine wife of Al (Joseph Sommer) whose daughter Peg (Marlee Matlin) is deaf. Peg's husband is killed in a car accident on the way to visit the Maine house, and the Duffield's take in Peg's six year old daughter, Lisa, while Peg recovers. Since Lisa is a speaking child, Marg thinks of her the way she wanted Peg to be, and seeks guardian custody.Remick's role is secondary to Matlin's, though she is presented as a tragic figure, particularly as Al refuses to help her plan to gain Lisa. Peg's deafness is said to be from a childhood case of spinal meningitis, and the teleplay by Louisa Burns-Bisogno, with story by Louisa and Tom Bisogno, reduces Remick to a textbook mother who is self-hating from guilt and therefore cannot love her own daughter. In a memorable scene, Peg angrily signs her exit to Marg, since Marg has refused to learn sign language, though Peg has learned to speak for her mother.The treatment uses the Tennesee Williams play, The Glass Menagerie, for therapy, to help Peg overcome her grief and also Marg `lose her unicorn horn' and embrace her daughter. Whilst Peg choosing to act in this play may seem an odd choice for someone grieving, what is more noticable is that Matlin is far too more glamourous to be believable as Laura. The Bisogno's include Michael O'Keefe as Dan, Peg's deceased husband's best friend and director of Actors Theatre for the Deaf, to offer Peg a new romantic interest, and thankfully she rebukes his protestations of love. Although his opinion may be influenced by his `crush', Dan tells Peg that being different is better than being normal, since the normal ones are as `common as weeds'. This philosophy reads as rather Nietzschean, on the level of artists not being restricted to the common moral code.Director Karen Arthur either has those signing also speaking or those signing being translated for the audience, though in one scene the sound of lapping waves drowns out the dialogue between Dan and Peg. She also gives Matlin some good moments, one being her scream of horror when she hears the news of the death of her husband, and another when she chases Remick down a flight of steps, hitting her.
主演:Petchtai Wongkamlao Janet Khiew Harin Suthamjarus
导演:Petchtai Wongkamlao
简介:Rural love story continues in Yaem Yasothorn 2, the sequel to the hit comedy "Yaem Yasothon" directed by popular comedian turned director Mum Jokmok. The story continues after the marriage of Yaem and Joey when the couple has a beautiful daughter and Yaem becomes a strict father who guards his daughter from suitors.
主演:Petchtai Wongkamlao Tony Jaa
导演:Petchtai Wongkamlao拔泰王锦鲁
简介:⊙《曼谷保镖2》的故事:影片故事讲述拔泰王锦鲁饰演的东南亚某小国特工翁坤,为了调查一伙恐怖份子,秘密潜入泰国曼谷执行任务,并化装成为流行歌星,混入唱片公司追查。他老婆并不知道他的真实身份,因为翁坤是个十足的“妻管严”,但要命的是,他在泰国无可救药爱上了一个漂亮美眉……与此同时,恐怖份子也要发动大规模袭击了,翁坤如何能制止这场破坏?⊙《曼谷保镖2》的看点:继2005年大卖座的第一集之后,《曼谷保镖》于今年拍出了续集,有“泰国周星驰”之称泰国喜剧明星拔泰王锦鲁继续自编自导自演,继续请来《拳霸》东尼·嘉参与演出。影片向周星驰、成龙电影偷了师,并且自己恶搞了《拳霸》《冬荫功》等片,拔泰王锦鲁(《拳霸》另一主演)演出非常出彩过瘾。Tony Jaa则之是客串身份,在片中有一场打斗,另外自己还拿《冬荫功》开涮,十分的“搞”。
主演:Wasit Pongsopha Thaweerat Julsri Apipon Treetewawongsa Ton Arch
导演:Withit Kamsrakaew
简介: Khao Chon Kai is a military training camp where Thai boys will face the challenge of the training during their senior year of high school. A group of boys meet at the camp and begin their training together, encountering many obstacles during the rigorous training regimines. Despite the hardships, they discover that friendship and true friends are the most precious things they've found in Khao Chon Kai.
主演:杰弗里·拉什 克莱尔·弗兰妮 本·斯蒂勒 汉克·阿扎利亚 威廉姆·H·梅西 保罗·雷宾斯
导演:Kinka Usher
简介:Champion市的犯罪率极低,Amazing队长(格雷戈·金尼尔 饰)为了重新吸引公众注意力,想出了一个馊主意:他把关在监狱里的死对头Casanova(杰弗里·拉什 饰)放了出来,以便再度和他过招,不料竟被Casanova绑架。和所有的坏蛋一样,Casanova准备趁Champion市权力真空之际控制这个城市。这时一群“英雄”出现在公众的视野里。这七个蹩脚的热心青年把自己叫做The Mystery Men(神秘人),他们也确实有一些——或者认为自己有一些——特殊的本领。
主演:Dan Rickard Chris Wandell
导演:Dan Rickard
简介:丹从海边醒来,跑到城里看不见人影,好不容易两个人被棒打一顿。他们此时才发现处于一个丧尸的世界。Dan wakes up on a beach with no memory. He discovers an empty city ravaged by a deadly virus. After befriending a small group of survivors it soon becomes clear the army are hunting him down, and the group are forced on a dangerous journey to escape.
主演:Javier Gutiérrez Daniel Cerezo Raúl Rivas
导演:Oskar Santos
简介:影片的主人公泽皮(Zipi )和扎佩(Zape)来自西班牙广为人知的漫画,就像法国的“小淘气尼古拉”和英国的“哈利波特”,他们的名字合在一起是西班牙语中“混乱”的意思。他们于1947年在漫画家José Escobar Saliente的笔下被创造。泽皮和扎佩是一对双胞胎,喜欢冒险,每每总能以机智化险为夷。他们在学校里专司调皮捣蛋。他们都是狂热的足球迷。两个人最大的区别是一个黑发,一个金发。
主演:弗拉迪米尔·梅尔亚诺夫 格奥尔吉·尤玛托夫 Mikhail Pokotilo Yelena Litskanovich Nina Krachkovskaya
导演:Aleksei Maslyukov Mechislava Mayevskaya
导演:Phil Karlson
主演:Ximena del Solar Chiara Pavoni 菲利普·里奥 马克斯·埃文斯 Rayloren Mata
导演:Kai E. Bogatzki Domiziano Cristopharo Lucio A. Rojas Lorenzo Zanoni
简介: Follow a mad Chilean scientist's deadly virus escape the lab on contaminated currency worldwide: a thief steals contaminated notes in Italy; a Kosovo patient is infected in extreme surgeries; a German father is desperate to save his son.
主演:Lil Baby Drake
导演:Karam Gill
主演:婉娜拉·宋提查 友塔纳·布格朗 Navin Yavapolkul Due Arisara Freudonidas Chartpong Aom Sakaojai Poolsawad Gam Wichayanee Pearklin 纳查·佳塔潘 Cherreen Nachjaree Dilok Thong wattana
导演:Pisarn Akarasenee
简介:韦斯特(纳查·佳塔潘 Natcha Juntapun 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大少爷,从小体弱多病的他受到了父亲和母亲周全的照料,因此个性有些懦弱和胆小。韦斯特的心里有一个名为玛斯妮(婉娜拉·宋提查...
别名:Tales of Halloween
主演:宝拉雅娜·麦金托什 帕特·希利 凯尔·吉克瑞斯特 林·沙烨 波波·斯图尔特 罗伯特·拉斯勒 艾丽克斯·埃索 尼克·普林西比 阿德里安娜·巴比欧 诺阿·西甘 芭芭拉·克兰普顿 格雷戈·格伦伯格 布里安娜·威廉姆斯 乔·丹特 米克·加里斯 巴瑞·波斯威克 山姆·威特沃 卡罗琳·威廉姆斯 格蕾丝·菲普斯 詹姆斯·杜瓦尔 达纳·古尔德 克里斯蒂娜·克莱伯 拉斐尔·乔丹 阿努比斯 麦迪森·伊瑟曼 亚当·格林 约翰·兰迪斯 斯图尔特·戈登 何塞·巴勃罗·坎蒂略 奥斯丁·法尔克
导演:保罗·索雷特 亚当·格拉斯奇 拉齐·马凯 迈克·门德兹 阿克塞尔·卡罗琳 达伦·林恩·鲍斯曼 尼尔·马歇尔 Andrew·Kasch 瑞安·希弗里
导演:菲拉斯·法耶德 Steen Johannessen Hasan Kattan
简介:After five years of war in Syria, Aleppo's remaining residents prepare themselves for a siege. Khalid, Subhi and Mahmoud, founding members of The White Helmets, have remained in the city to help their fellow citizens-and experience daily life, death, struggle and triumph in a city under fire. 《阿勒波的最后一个人》(Last Men in Aleppo) 导演:菲拉斯·法耶德(Feras Fayyad)、斯蒂恩·约翰内森(Steen Johannessen) 丹麦 入围2017年圣丹斯电影节曝首批片单世界纪录片单元
主演:Jussi Vatanen Jasper Pääkkönen Timo Lavikainen
导演:Dome Karukoski
简介:杨尼(尤西·瓦坦恩 Jussi Vatanen 饰)是一个整天无所事事游手好闲的无业游民,靠着领取政府发放的失业救济金生活,一晃眼五年就这样过去了,杨尼的女友依娜丽(帕梅拉·托拉 Pamela Tola 饰)对男友如今的现状感到非常的不满。一天,依娜丽拜托杨尼去买一台信号转换器,但杨尼给忘记了,当他想起来的时候,商场已经关门了。依娜丽彻底的爆发了,她向男友发出了最后的通牒,如果不能在今天买到数字转换器,那么他们就分手。 杨尼这才意识到事情的严重性,于是带着两个好友,杨尼踏上了寻找数字转换器的旅途,一路上,一行不靠谱的人遇到了各种各样的麻烦和意外。
主演:张嘉益 姜皓文 汤镇业 欧阳靖 徐子珊 刘心悠 鲍起静 王馨瑶 温碧霞 徐冬冬 何雨瞬 翟天临 龚慈恩 林德信 苗侨伟 许绍雄 谈善言 邵美琪 梁竞徽 张秀文 黄宗泽 徐正溪 吴岱融 王希维 海陆 黄庭锋 江芷铟 洛儿
导演:Chung Shu Kai
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