主演:普拉部·地伐 Vetri Kiran Chandrasekar Koneru Prema Priya 普拉卡什·拉贾 Samuthirakani 瓦拉拉克什米·萨拉特库马尔 Shaam Raiza Wilson Tsr
导演:Santhosh P. Jayakumar
简介: In a tragic accident, Kathiravan loses his wife and his left leg. A few years later he decides to get a prosthetic leg with the compensation amount. Kathiravan's life gets more complicated when his daughter Magizh gets hospitalized.
主演:Hanna Sökeland
导演:Rita Bakacs Kim Schnell Constanze Viaene
简介: Princess Charming is a German reality dating show that premiered on May 25, 2021, streaming on premium sector of RTL+ and began airing on October 29, 2021, on television on VOX. It is streaming on RTL+, operated by the RTL media group, in German.
简介: 这是日本历史上最严重的核灾难之一。 1999年9月30日上午10点35分,日本东海村JCO公司的一座铀转换厂工人违反操作程序,把富集度18.8%的铀溶液(相当于含16公斤铀)直接倒入沉淀槽中。由于铀量超过其临界质量的2.9倍,当即产生蓝白色的闪光,现场产生了γ和中子辐射。此次临界事故使现场93名工作人员受到不同程度的核辐射,其中2人先后不治身亡。 事故中第一个死亡的大内久先生,所受到的核辐射剂量为普通人年上限的2万倍。医疗小组投入了最新医疗技术来治疗这个前所未有的患者,结果却无法战胜核辐射的威力。 83日的治疗皆详细记录在案。 只要核能未被人类完全控制,这样的事故便还会发生吧。希望他不白白死去,通过家属的请求,此次得以公开。 我们通过医疗记录和笔录,追踪大内先生的83天—— [道兰][NHK纪录片]日本东海村核临界事故-治疗核辐射83天的记录
主演:Steve Bongeorno Maria Olsen Cody Behrens Andrew Jacobs Derek Li Ryan Lynch Braeden McCawley Maximus Nielsen Rory L. Martell Miguel Navarro George Hunter Sepmeier Cameron Storm Clarke Carson Lee Flowers Mike Casarietti Brian Flo
导演:I. Drakos
简介:After committing a series of multiple murders, a neurologist visits an incarcerated killer, living in exile. She studies him and his brain and discovers the horror that lurks behind his violent impulses.
主演:提姆·提伯 Ahmad Black Brandon Spikes Brandon Siler Major Wright
导演:Katharine English
主演:Abdulaziz Alshehri Adel Radwan Mohammad Alqass Ida Alkusay
导演:Malik Nejer
主演:Nastaran Razawi Khorasani Claudio Maga?a Torres 麦克·鲁斯
导演:Ruben Broekhuis
简介: When Bosnian-born Aisha and cameraman Elias team up to shoot a documentary on the mysterious disappearance of Aisha's brother, they cross paths with another film crew, who are creating an even more sinister narrative.
主演:Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak Prom Theepakorn Kwanboon Ford Arun Asawasuebsakul 塔纳温·坡查伦拉特 吉迪朋·瑟利维查亚萨瓦 Captain Passatorn Koolkang Mark Pakin Kuna-anuvit 纳帕特·帕查拉恰瓦雷 戈辛·拉查克罗姆 西瓦科恩·勒尔科乔特 塔空·普罗萨蒂克 Golf Kittipat Chalaragse 莎若查·瓦缇塔盼
导演:Au Kornprom Niyomsil
简介: 学生会主席Tinn暗恋Gun,他是音乐俱乐部的负责人,也是乐队Chinzhilla的主唱。作为校长的儿子,Tinn接到指示,要取消任何不能提升学校声誉的俱乐部。音乐俱乐部名列榜首,因此Tinn是Gun的头号敌人。更糟糕的是,俱乐部的最新成员是一位才华横溢、魅力四射的歌手,他与音乐有着密切的关系。Tinn怎么能和那个竞争呢?为了拯救他的俱乐部,Gun发誓要奴役Tinn,他不会蠢到拒绝这样的提议。当Tinn得知Chinzhilla有一条规定,乐队成员在赢得Hot Wave音乐比赛之前不得约会,他发誓要尽一切努力帮助他们做到这一点。~~改编自普鲁萨法(พฤษภา).)的小说《我的男朋友是会长》
主演:徐志贤 素瓦芘·盖朋瓦拉吉 丝丽娜·素甘达拉 拉查蓬·阿诺玛契提 纳特·提恩平姆 Dyu Nitipong Pollachan Jean Klaokaew Sinteppadon Poppleo Pleo Sirisuwan
导演:Songsak Mongkolthong
主演:徐志贤 素瓦芘·盖朋瓦拉吉 丝丽娜·素甘达拉 拉查蓬·阿诺玛契提 纳特·提恩平姆 Dyu Nitipong Pollachan Jean Klaokaew Sinteppadon Poppleo Pleo Sirisuwan
导演:Songsak Mongkolthong
主演:徐志贤 素瓦芘·盖朋瓦拉吉 丝丽娜·素甘达拉 拉查蓬·阿诺玛契提 纳特·提恩平姆 Dyu Nitipong Pollachan Jean Klaokaew Sinteppadon Poppleo Pleo Sirisuwan
导演:Songsak Mongkolthong
主演:徐志贤 素瓦芘·盖朋瓦拉吉 丝丽娜·素甘达拉 拉查蓬·阿诺玛契提 纳特·提恩平姆 Dyu Nitipong Pollachan Jean Klaokaew Sinteppadon Poppleo Pleo Sirisuwan
导演:Songsak Mongkolthong
简介: 薇坦是一位心理研究的天才新人,凡事喜欢做分析,看上去不太符合她这个年龄的女孩子,有时候甚至像个外星人。但是在工作中,她的脑袋里仿佛有台机器在高速运转,这是蜗牛女孩与生俱来的天赋,工作中判断果断、迅速,分析精准。她的意志力比体能强,所以遇到危险时刻她也不会慌张。初到警队,在人际交往上很不来事,且不懂如何表达自己感情的她,因为体能不及格面临着被赶出警队的问题。从一个菜鸟实习生正式转成她梦想中的专业警察,唯一一个可以帮助她的是博拉警官,泰国警察界的英雄,于是薇坦想尽办法使出浑身解数请求博拉收她为徒。而男主博拉是警局特别案件调查组队长,警队首屈一指的神探,因有丰富的办案经验而杰出和英勇,身体素质优秀,身手不凡。博拉起初对这个弱不禁风的小女孩并无好感,两人在办案理念上也有极大差异,但两人在联手破获了一系列案件后,博拉对这个单纯睿智的爱徒心生爱慕。但奈何无论他如何明追暗夺,这个如“蜗牛”般迟钝的女孩,就是收不到爱的信号。在二人“谈情说案”之际,沉寂已久的“连环杀手”悚然重现,将他们卷入其中,两个人终于在险象环生的探案过程中确定了对彼此的情谊。然而此时,萦绕在博拉心头的噜格案也再次被重启,这对恋人将携手共进极致艰险的追凶之旅。
主演:伊万娜·雅各布 波拉·盖格 乔切·舒托夫 希尔·艾罗格路 苏珊娜·伍艾斯特 克努特·贝格尔 米娜·厄兹林·萨格迪奇 莫里茨·杰恩 克莉丝汀·柯尼希 尤·波斯 丽塔·费尔德梅尔 Lara-Sophie Milagro Alexander Wertmann Alexandra Sinelnikova Lilly Menke Felix Jordan Naffie Janha Elina Schkolnik Anna Octopus
导演:Natalia Sinelnikova
简介:2022柏林电影节「德国视点」(Perspektive Deutsches Kino) 单元开幕片。The skyscraper on the edge of the forest is known...
主演:瀬戸かほ 西園寺流星群 岡諭史 沼波大樹 ナカムラルビイ 永田祐己 水田黒恵 中本華愛 浅井信好
导演:Keishi Kondo
简介: 娘の死後、離婚した雅は、いまはデリヘル嬢として働いている。ある日、彼女は奇妙な客に出会う。その客は彼女の背骨の写真を撮ることを要求したのだった。写真を撮らせると、その次は彼女の足の写真。彼女はやがて、気づくのだった。彼女が、男に写真を撮らせる毎に、彼女の娘の幽霊が彼女に近づいてくるのを。そして、彼女に残された最後の部位、それは眼球だった――。個人の物語はやがて、社会の崩壊をめぐる神話へと連なっていく。 SFやホラーといったジャンルを超越した新たな恐怖を描く“アブストラクト・SFホラー”。主演は、『クレマチスの窓辺』『この日々が凪いだら』の瀬戸かほ。すでにアメリカのスラムダンス映画祭、ポーランドのワルシャワ国際映画祭等多数の海外映画祭にて上映され、サンティアゴホラー映画祭でベストシネマグラフィ&審査員賞を獲得するなど、海外から高い評価と注目を集めている。本作が監督初の長編映画となる。
主演:Emma Galbraith William Magnuson Emily Garrett Liz Waters KaiChow Lau Thanh Phuong Bui ShanShan Jin Kelsey Buckley Ava Chen Waverly Corinne Meier Jane Schwartz Alaithia Velez
导演:Mei Makino
简介:Teen artist Angie Chen turns to secret hook-ups with the heartthrob of her private school after her parents' sudden divorce.
主演:Tim Robinson 詹妮弗·马萨拉 丹尼尔·R·希尔 Sisa Grey 弗兰克·格里什 Harvey B. Jackson Stephen Brown Kristen Kelly Amanda Reed Joyce Greenleaf Harry Zinn 马科斯·德席尔瓦斯
导演:Zach Kanin Alice Mathias 阿吉瓦·沙弗尔 Jeffrey Max
主演:丹妮尔·哈丽丝 达米安·普克勒 Gary Kasper 乔恩·坎普林 Tevy Poe Benjamin Selway Stephanie Lynn Styles Alec Westwood HemDee Kiwanuka Gavin Park
导演:David Ryan Keith
简介:Twenty years ago at the infamous Redwood Farm, the owner went mad and killed his family and himself. Shrouded in urban legend ever since, a stranger obsessed with the unsolved Redwood murders convinces a group of bereaved family members to venture into the wilderness in the hope of proving the existence of the notorious burlap bag-masked maniac. Their quest for truth sees a sinister turn of events, as the hunters become the hunted and a blood-soaked fight for survival ensues when they find that the sinister tales told of the axe-wielding psycho farmer are very real indeed.
导演:Lado Kvataniya
简介: Like Fritz Lang, David Fincher or Bong Joon Ho before him, talented debut filmmaker Lado Kvataniya uses the concept of police detective vs serial killer for an excitingly stylised, macabre and haunting narrative, that ultimately revolves around the identity of an era: in this case, the late 1980s Soviet Union. With Glasnost and the end of communist rule, the West also learned of the (unsurprising) fact that there were serial killers in Russia too – the most notorious case probably that of Andrei Chikatilo, nicknamed the Rostov Ripper, or the Russian Hannibal Lecter. Based on these and many other sources, Kvataniya and screenwriter Olga Gorodetskaya constructed an immersive psychological puzzle, jumping back and forth in time, to reveal ever new-possible motives for the actions of all the protagonists. It all starts in 1990, when Detective Issa Davydov is celebrating his promotion and receives a call, reporting a crime that looks precisely like the ones of the serial killer that he famously captured some years before ...
主演:迪安娜·阿格隆 梅罗拉·哈丁 绍尔·鲁宾内克 杰伊·阿里 Isabelle Du Grace Porter 罗莎·吉尔莫 Alexis Jacknow Kat Steffens 玛奎尔·斯金纳 Stefan Sims 玛格·卡拉·苏西 Ray L. Perez Judy McMillan LaVar Veale
导演:Alexis Jacknow
简介: This film by writer/director Alexis Jacknow will follow a woman's desperate attempt to fix her broken biological clock.
主演:Matjaz Gruden Matija Tavcar Nino De Gleria Polona Rajster Andrej Djordjevic Vesna Jevnikar Natasa Rojc Nina Zidaric Jurij Zargi Lidija Kozlovic
导演:Jane Kavcic
简介: This film takes place in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Matic lives in a large neighbourhood of concrete blocks of flats with his mother. As his father is temporarily working in Libya, they live alone. Matic's otherwise monotonous life changes dramatically when he is chosen to feature in a film. At the shooting he meets Milena, a girl his own age whom he begins to like. When the shooting is over, the film company gives him a present, a huge black Newfoundlander. Although his mother is not really pleased about it, Matic brings the dog home. And that is just the beginning of their adventures... - IMDb
主演:沙汗.古克巴卡尔 Öznur Serçeler Irfan Kangi
导演:Togan Gökbakar
简介: Recep and Nurullah decide to go village house, which is inherited from his grandma. Recep finds out the existence of a big project, that will damage the village and the surrounding forests. Villagers will fight against the project with Recep's leadership.—yusufpiskin
主演:韦勒·维坦恩 Meliz Karlge Albin Grenholm Kristofer Kamiyasu Emil Almén Bengt Nilsson Alexander Salzberger Bill Hugg Cecilia Milocco Naida Ragimova Charlotta ?kerblom 托比亚斯·阿姆博瑞 Christina Indrenius-Zalewski Karin Holmberg Anders Johannisson Karin de Frumerie
导演:Frida Kempff
导演:Davina Pardo Leah Wolchok
简介: The radical honesty of the books by young adult fiction pioneer Judy Blume changed the way millions of readers understood themselves, their sexuality, and what it meant to grow up, but also led to critical battles against book banning and censorship.
主演:苏尼尔·达特 卡伯·贝迪 萨尔曼·汗 古山·格罗维 Ayesha Jhulka Rohini Hattangadi Goga Kapoor Bharat Kapoor Kunika Rajesh Puri Subbiraj Sunil Dhawan Ramesh Goyal Kamaldeep Ranjeet
导演:Deepak Bahry
简介: aan Singh and Prithvi Singh's families have been locked in a property dispute in a Court in India. When the Court gives a verdict in favor of Prithvi, Maan hires a bandit, Panna Singh, to kill Prithvi and all of his family. Panna only partially succeeds, and retreats badly wounded to a dense forest to escape Prithvi's wrath. But the harm has been done, Prithvi has lost his sister and other family to this vicious assault, and has vowed to avenge this by killing Maan's family, and he does so with partial success, thus incurring the wrath of Maan's Police Inspector brother, Suraj Singh. Prithvi then goes into hiding and is now called Daku Prithvi Singh. The only survivors from his family are his daughter, Chandra, his aunt, and her son, Himmat, while Suraj Singh lives with his son, Akash. Years later, an educated Akash meets with an uneducated Chandra and both fall in love with each. When their respective fathers' find out, they are told not to see each other again and their marriages' ...
导演:Babak Anvari
简介:男子学校的课堂上,男孩们等待着老师的到来。当一脸严肃的男老师走进来的时候,气氛一下子变得沉闷不堪。教室广播突然响起:同学们,今天学校将会有一些改革和变化。你们的老师将会对于你们的未来给出建议和规划,而你们需要做的就是仔细地听取老师们的建议,并严格遵从他们的指示。你们将是学校和同学们的骄傲。 广播播报完毕后,男老师在黑板上写下“2 2=5”。大家都非常吃惊,这根本就不符合常理。但是老师宣称这是让男孩们学会的第一个“真理”。一片安静过后,男孩们都跟随老师一起读着。终于,一个男孩举手质疑这个答案。可是在老师的强迫下,他默默地坐下了。此时第二个男孩也站起来跟老师争辩。可是老师的答案却是:你不需要任何思考。男老师甚至找来大学生来恐吓这个男孩,他的同班同学更是不想惹祸上身。老师再次疾言厉色地问道:答案到底是几?男孩毅然在黑板上写下了:4。随之,悲剧的一幕发生了……
主演:加布里埃尔·安瓦尔 贾斯汀·路易斯 福里斯特·惠特克
导演:Jordan Barker
简介: 功成名就的童话作家克莱尔•哈罗维(Gabrielle Anwar 饰)最近一段时间饱受噩梦折磨,她反复梦见自己追逐一个女孩时遇到一个面容恐怖的男人,然后掉进沼泽地中。某天,她在看电视时忽然发现某乡村的罗斯马什农场与梦中出现的场所极为相似。好奇心促使克莱尔利用假期来到此地。 但是,在此停留的期间内,克莱尔不断受到一个小女孩和一个少年的鬼魂的骚扰。通过在当地人士的朋友,克莱尔联系上了灵异专家乔菲•亨特(Forest Whitaker 饰)。在一行人的探究下,关于这个鬼屋以及克莱尔噩梦背后的秘密被慢慢揭开……
主演:艾米莉·布朗宁 Megan Smart 凯特琳·斯塔西 Claire Lovering Emma Horn Steph Tisdell Sana'a Shaik Rose Flanagan Chi Nguyen Bernie Van Tiel Shay Cohen Sarah Krndija 黛博拉·劳伦斯 Rosaleen Cox Sarah Takau Andrea Solonge 朱莉亚 萨维奇 Holly Simon
导演:Kacie Anning
简介: 一群曾经的女高学生,十年后再次相聚在校园。谁知大浪袭来,世界瞬间变为末日汪洋。这群昔日同窗被困在校园之巅仅存的立足之地,尝试求生的同时纠缠在彼此的十年旧账中。
主演:Cotter Smith Deirdre O'Connell Ryan Phillippe
导演:Mark H. Baker
简介: When the Viking space capsule suddenly returns to Earth from its long ago trip to Mars, it brings with it an intelligent visitor that is part "Alien" and part "ET". Encased in armor, it extends a humanlike form from its shell to examine its surroundings and shows an interest in humans including a soft caress of a female scientist prior to the Army killing it. This only enrages its sibling.
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