主演:克里斯托弗·米洛尼 玛莉丝卡·哈吉塔 理查德·贝尔泽 Stephanie March 达恩·弗洛莱克 艾斯-T
导演:Henry Bronchtein
简介: 《法律与秩序:特殊受害》,于1999年开始播出,是首播于1990年的美国电视史上播映时间最长犯罪剧集《法律与秩序》的三部姐妹剧之一。其它两部分别是2001年开播的《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》(Law & Order: Criminal Intent),和2005年《法律与秩序:陪审团》(Law and meijubar.net Order: Trial By Jury) 。 被残忍杀害的年轻女子、被虐的婴儿、被近亲性侵害的女童、家暴阴影下手足无措的妇女、失调扭曲的家庭关系、很想用心,但每每力有未迨的父母、杵在社会家庭人际边缘、人性的灰色地带。SVU每回总是触动那块让人无从防备的柔软地带。 可爱的孩童、无辜的弱势个体(受性侵害者、同性恋、精神病患),每个人都多少有些经验感触的亲子与家庭关系。不见得要多复杂的剧情----忙于工作单亲母亲剧烈摇晃死自己的一岁多...
主演:James Stewart Glynis Johns Cindy Carol Bill Mumy John Williams
导演:Henry Koster
简介:Dear Brigitte is one of the funniest comedies from the 1960s, about a tone-deaf, color-blind boy genius with one interest Brigitte Bardot. James Stewart plays professor Robert Leaf, a typical college professor (when speaking of college professors typical means liberal, but this was 40 years ago and labels change). Leaf teaches poetry, lives in a houseboat in San Francisco, vocally opposes nuclear power and progress in general. He has an original way to make the family stick together - family concerts. His daughter calls him square. Leaf's 8-year old son Erasmus is played by Billy Mumy (Sammy the Way Out Seal, Lost In Space, Bless The Beasts Children, Three Wishes). Leaf hopes to find artistic genius of some sort in his only son, and nurtures him in music, painting, literature, etc. But Leaf is disappointed, to put it mildly, when it turns out Erasmus has a gift for math, can out-think the colleges newest computer, instantly compute horse-race winners. I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but Erasmus had been writing to Bardot regularly, and after the family comes to depend on his ability, his love-sickness causes a mental block. Glynis Johns (Father's Delicate Condition, The Cabinet of Caligari, Mary Poppins) plays Leaf's wife. Ed Wynn (Requiem For A Heavyweight, Mary Poppins) is a neighbor captain narrator. Other cast include Fabian, Cindy Carol, John Williams, Jesse White, Jack Kruschen, and James Brolin in an early bit part. Brigitte Bardot appears at the end.
主演:Melody C. Roscher Yaniv Schulman Ariel Schulman Angela Wesselman-Pierce
导演:Henry Joost Ariel Schulman
简介:2007年,美国内华达州。24岁的年轻摄影师雅尼夫·舒尔曼(雅尼夫·舒尔曼 Yaniv Schulman饰)收到了一幅根据他摄影作品绘制而成的画作。欣喜之余,他惊讶地发现这幅画作居然出自一名八岁的小女孩麦乐迪·罗雪尔(麦乐迪·罗雪尔 Melody C. Roscher饰)之手。雅尼夫立刻在Facebook上与这位才华洋溢的小女孩结成了好朋友。通过麦乐迪,雅尼夫开始了解她的家庭,更与她的姐姐梅根·法契欧(梅根·法契欧 Megan Faccio饰)展开了一段浪漫的异地恋。雅尼夫的哥哥艾瑞儿·舒勒曼(艾瑞儿·舒勒曼 Ariel Schulman饰)决定与他的好友亨利·乔斯特(亨利·乔斯特 Henry Joost饰)将这段恋情经历拍成纪录片。然而一连串隐藏在网络背后令人毛骨悚然的谎言,渐渐浮出水面,令人不寒而栗。 由新人导演亨利·乔斯特携手艾瑞儿·舒勒曼执导...
导演:Henry Alex Rubin
简介: 围绕“Quad Rugby”(肢体缺陷榄球队)的美国国家队运动员的心路历程。虽然坐在轮椅上比赛,但球员的肢体碰撞甚多,流汗流血固然是常事,尿袋被撞爆也很常见。由于他们较一般的运动来得暴力激烈(跟《疯狂轮滑》有一拼),未易名为“Quad Rugby”前,这种运动有一个很血腥的名字───“Murderball”(谋杀球)。片中的男主角——今年30岁的马克·祖潘于18岁时因交通意外令双脚永久残废,余生要坐轮椅度日,但他从“Quad Rugby”中找到了人生意义。 贵为美国国家队王牌球员的马克在球场上身手矫捷,充满斗志,面对强敌加拿大队时所激出的爆炸力惊人,其出色表现被《Entertainment Weekly》封为暑假最让人惊喜的动作英雄。影片于今年初在圣丹斯电影节上映,好评如潮。权威电影杂志《Premiere》及《Hollywood Reporte...
别名:Россия — царство тигров, медведей и вулканов
导演:U. Anders Christian Baumeister Oliver Goetzl Hans-Peter Kuttler Tobias Mennle Henry Mix Ivo Nörenberg Ernst Sasse
主演:Raquel Rodríguez Daniel Martínez 多米妮卡·帕莱塔 Ramón Medína Miranda Kay Gregorio Urquijo Santiago Beltrán 赫克托·科特思法基斯 Valeria Castillo Marco Zetina Lourdes Slim Luna Anaya Paloma Arredondo Héctor Cruz Madelyn Nevarez
导演:Henry Bedwell
导演:Henry Roosevelt
简介: As a medical team tries to understand 10-year-old Maya Kowalski's rare illness, they begin to question her parents. Suddenly, Maya is in state custody - despite a family desperate to bring their daughter home.
导演:Duncan Bulling Henry Fraser
简介: For two years BBC cameras have followed, Dr Sheperd Doeleman of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the work of the Event Horizon Telescope project team, a collective of the top scientific minds from around the world. The project combines radio observatories and telescope facilities from around the world to make up a virtual telescope with a diameter spanning the entire planet. This mega-telescope’s ultimate mission is to capture the first image ever of a black hole. Although the concept of black holes has been long assumed to be fact, the Event Horizon Telescope’s success would definitively prove the existence of this scientific phenomena for the first time – and provide clear visual evidence. The programme brings viewers into the laboratories, behind the computer screens and beside the telescopes of what may prove to be one of the great astrophysical achievements in human history.
主演:吉恩·蒂尔尼 罗伯特·布莱克 西戈·鲁曼 Gene Rizzi Tom Seidel Kam Tong Beal Wong Emmett Vogan Bruce Wong 维克托·麦克拉格伦 菲利普·韩 汤姆·尼尔 安·潘宁顿 Lal Chand Mehra 乔治·蒙哥马利 琳恩·巴里 艾伦·巴克斯特 Oie Chan Paul Fung 小弗雷德·科勒 Eddie Lee Allen Jung Myron McCormick Chester Gan
导演:Henry Hathaway
简介:60年代下半期的某一天。巴黎某区。银行家的女儿维络尼卡在一位已同双亲外出度假的女友处借来的住宅里,召开“马列主义共产党”支部会议。房里堆放着一大批小红皮书,墙壁上醒目地挂着一些手写的毛泽东语录。在从北京传来的无线电广播声中,维洛尼卡宣布支部正式成立,并以“阿登-阿拉维亚”的命名,以纪念被法国共产党开除出党的这一同名小说的作者波尔·尼赞。支部成员包括青年演员吉罗姆、女佣人伊沃娜、画家基里洛夫和大学生亨利。维洛尼卡给支部规定的任务是“进行两条战线的斗争”。正值此时,原先缺席的亨利走了进来。他血流满面,是在巴黎大学同法共党员们进行关于中国“文化大革命”的辩论时被打伤的。这使维洛尼卡更有理由宣布她的“路线”的正确性,即不仅不与法国共产党为伍,而且视其为主要敌人…… 导演戈达尔醉心于宣扬毛泽东主义,他的这部机敏的讽刺作品激怒了循规蹈矩的批评家。戈达尔当时的妻子...
主演:马修·马斯登 克里斯塔娜·洛肯 Christian Pitre Barak Hardley 亚布拉哈姆·本鲁比 加里·布塞 比佛莉·德安姬罗 凯文·麦克纳利 阿丽夏·维加
导演:Henry Saine
简介: 未来世界,各个世界强国被商业力量所征服。受利益驱使,各大工业巨头搜集武器和强手,向竞争对手展开无情征伐与屠戮。绵亘多年的战争过后,曾经繁华大都市化为废墟,商业首脑们则席卷财富逃遁。废墟之中诞生九人议会,他们在重建文明复兴的希望同时,雇佣了许多赏金杀手追杀那些贪欲横生的商业巨头,这些为民除害的杀手也成为底层人民的英雄和偶像。流浪者崔弗特(马修·马斯登 Matthew Marsden 饰)正是其中翘楚,引得名叫杰克(Barak Hardley 饰)的胖男子自告奋勇当他的助手。谁知一张通缉令却将崔弗特逼到绝地,现实和与之风头无量的赏金猎手死亡玛丽(Christian Pitre 饰)一阵互搏,随后和杰克他上凶险旅途,试图说服议会。 复杂的形势下,崔弗特命悬一线……
导演:Henry Roosevelt
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