主演:Kevin Zegers Carrie-Anne Moss
导演:Carl Bessai
简介: 一场车祸,改变了三个家庭的命运。凯恩(Carrie-Anne Moss 饰)失去了16岁的长子,整日沉溺在关于儿子的每点滴回忆中不能自拔,丈夫邀请朋友开释凯恩心情但适得其反,小儿子则因凯恩的忽视倍感落寞;丹尼斯身患自闭症,无法与别人正常交流,他的教授哥哥正与美女气象播报员打得火热,但这段关系看起来像是逃避,因为教授出于愧疚一直试图给丹尼斯介绍女朋友;青年约迪由管教所获释,但他仍无法同父亲达成和解,比约迪大不了几岁的继母横阻在夫子之间,约迪和继母发生了关系,短暂的欢愉之后他发现自己必须脱离家庭……三个家庭在夜色中相遇,他们必须走出各自的阴影。 本片获2009年加拿大吉尼奖最佳男配角奖。2007年温哥华国际电影节最佳西加拿大电影。
主演:GeraldineChaplin OonaChaplin AlbertoAmarilla LeticiaDolera 拉蒂西亚·多瑞拉 洛伦佐·佩德罗蒂 Francesco Martino 弗朗切斯科·卡尔内卢蒂 杰拉丁·卓别林 Matteo Danese 阿尔维托·阿玛里利亚 亚历克斯·安克吕罗
导演:Stefano Bessoni;斯特法诺 贝索尼
简介: 1600年,人类发明照相机的很多年以前,一位名叫吉罗拉莫的科学家就在为记录图像的方法着迷。他发现,如果将刚刚被杀死的人的眼球取下,就可以在纸上得到这个人临死前视网膜上留下的图像,他把这项“技术”称为“死亡照相术”。几百年后,一所电影学院的年轻学生偶然发现了他留下来的古老的“照相机”……
主演:LolaBessis 达斯汀·盖伊·迪法 布洛克·布罗姆 AnneConsigny OliviaCostello
导演:Ruben Amar;Lola Bessis
简介:Maggie Rainbow Leeward and Mary cannot even agree on their three year old daughter's name anymore. Mary is a hardworking nurse who dreams of only one thing changing her life. She resents her husband for being an irresponsible, overgrown adolescent, incapable of holding down a job. Leeward is an atypical, idealistic musician who fancies himself a misunderstood artist and a New Age visionary. Enter Lilas, a 19 year old French artist and the daughter of a world famous painter, who is trying to make it in New York and get away from an overbearing mother. When the bubbly young woman moves into the couple's tiny Chinatown apartment, their already fragile balance is upset even further. Between surrealism, unusual characters, art and magic tricks, Swim Little Fish Swim is a dreamlike journey from childhood to adulthood.@m.yakutv.cc
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