简介: Part road movie, part spectacle, part drama, Monsoon is Sturla Gunnarsson's meditation on chaos, creation and faith, set in the land of believers. The subject is the monsoon, the incomparably vast weather system that permeates and unifies the varied culture of India, shaping the conditions of existence for its billion inhabitants. (Tiff 2014)
主演:Celeste Corcoran Sydney Corcoran Patrick Downes Jessica Kensky
导演:里奇·斯坦恩 安妮·桑德博格
简介: Documentary about several survivors of the Boston Marathon Bombing which took place April 15, 2013.
简介: Recovering from a very public divorce, independent filmmaker and Italian Prince Tao Ruspoli takes to the road to talk to his relatives, advice columnists, psychologists, historians, anthropologists, artists, philosophers, sex workers, sex therapists, and ordinary couples about love, sex & monogamy in our culture. What he discovers about his very unconventional family, and about the history and psychology of love and marriage leads him to question the ideal of monogamy, and the traditional family values that go with it.
主演:莱昂纳德·科恩 Nancy Bacal Steve Berkowitz 杰夫·巴克利 约翰·凯尔 布兰迪·卡莉 埃里克·丘奇 伍冰枝 朱迪·柯林斯 克莱夫·戴维斯 Shayne Doyle 鲍勃·迪伦 Susan Feldman Mordecai Finley 格伦·汉塞德 维基·詹森 Myles Kennedy Amanda Palmer Sharon Robinson 拉瑞·斯洛曼 瑞金娜·斯派克特 洛福斯·温莱特 Joan Wasser 哈尔·维尔纳
导演:丹尼尔·盖勒 戴娜·戈德芬
简介: This feature-length documentary is a cinematic biography of a song. Inspired by "The Holy or the Broken," Alan Light's critically acclaimed book, it is a definitive exploration of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah."
简介: 日本歌手 LiSA 因演唱《鬼灭之刃》主题曲《红莲华》及其他动漫主题曲而走红乐坛。本片为庆祝她出道 10 周年之作,除了赞颂她身为女性坚强独立的一面,也捕捉她在演艺生涯最脆弱的时刻,并收录多首知名动漫主题曲的精彩演出及全新巡回演唱会片段。
主演:理查德·尼克松 亨利·基辛格 Stuart Herrington Juan Valdez Frank Snepp Graham Martin 理查德·李·阿米蒂奇 Gerald Berry Kiem Do Hugh Doyle 杰拉尔德·福特 Steve Hasty Paul Jacobs Jim Laurie Joseph McBride
简介: 上映。故事讲述了越南战争的最后几天,北越军队节节胜利南越军队则面临崩溃,美国方面的只能面对这样的道德困境——到底是服从白宫的命令只带美国公民撤离,还是冒着被指控叛国罪的风险尽可能多的保留南越盟友的故事。 在越南战争的最后几天,北越军队节节胜利南越军队则面临崩溃,共产主义的胜利不可避免,美国方面的外交和军事人员接到指示准备撤退,然而他们也意识到,当他们离开后曾帮助并投靠他们的南越盟友将面临生命的威胁。此时他们只能面对这样的道德困境——到底是服从白宫的命令只带美国公民撤离,还是冒着被指控叛国罪的风险尽可能多的保留南越盟友。
主演:Oleksander Techynskyi
导演:Oleksandr Techynskyi Aleksey Solodunov Dmitry Stoykov
简介: This film is not about the revolution that changed Ukraine this winter. Not exactly. It rather shows a universal pattern of particular kind of uprisings - those ones that end with bloodshed. At first, the noble endeavor for freedom collides with the dark force of repressive rulers. Then eventually, after much confusion and chaos, the righteous anger of people changes to pure ou...
主演:皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 小佩德罗·阿门达里斯 雅克·贝汉 宫泽理惠 马蒂亚斯·勃兰特 阿尔多 兰斯洛特·佩林 Manolo Garcia
导演:雅克·贝汉 雅克·克鲁奥德
简介: 《海洋》耗时五年,耗资5000万欧元,动用12个摄制组、70艘船,在全球50个拍摄地,有超过100个物种被拍摄,超过500小时的海底世界及海洋相关素材,是史上投资最大的纪录片。 海洋是什么?这部电影告诉你答案。这是一部以环保为主题,令人心旷神怡、叹为观止的生态学纪录片。本片聚焦于覆盖着地球表面的四分之三的“蓝色领土”。导演深入探索这个幽深而富饶的神秘世界、完整地呈现海洋的壮美辽阔。真实的动物世界的冒险远比动画片中的故事来的精彩,接下来银幕展开——巨大的水母群、露脊鲸、大白鲨、企鹅等。毫不吝啬在镜头前展示他们旺盛的生命力,让人叹为观止。
主演:扬·阿尔蒂斯-贝特朗 格伦·克洛斯 雅克·冈布兰
简介: 经过四十亿年的漫长演变,地球变成一个物种繁多、资源丰富、奇特美丽的蓝色星球。然而自人类出现以来,我们只用了二十万年的时间,便将地球的宝贵资源消耗殆尽。珍稀物种灭绝,原始资源奇缺,污染日益严重,人类以及地球的明天将何去何从? 导演扬恩•亚瑟经过15年的筹备,历访50多个国家拍成此片。本片素材长达488小时,拍摄周期为21个月,共动用88,000名员工,从澳洲海底的大堡礁到非洲肯亚高原的乞力马扎罗山;从亚玛逊热带雨林到戈壁沙漠;从美国德萨斯州连绵不断的棉花田到中国上海、深圳的工业城镇。影片以上帝的俯瞰视角向世人展现地球的绝美以及日趋危急的现状。明天并不遥远,但我们该选择怎样的未来?
主演:杰伊·巴鲁切尔 Sasha Lakovic Chris Chelios Brett Hull Jarome Iginla Brian McGratton Derek Boogaard Kevin Westgarth Dave Semenko Bobby Hull Howard Bloom Zenon Konopka George Parros Joe Kocur Kelly Chase
导演:Brett Harvey
简介: 纪录片聚焦冰上曲棍球,负责enforcer职位的运动员,如何发挥「打倒对手,保护队友」的运动哲学。 冰上曲棍球中有一些球员担任enforcer(执行者),主要负责项目就是打架,一人身兼攻击与防守两职。本纪录片是专门聚焦enforcer的冰上曲棍球员,深入了解这项运动与奥妙之处
导演:马修·希尔 理查德·柯森·史密斯
简介: Lucy Worsley traces the forgotten and fascinating story of the young Mozart's adventures in Georgian London. Arriving in 1764 as an eight-year-old boy, London held the promise of unrivalled musical opportunity. But in telling the telling the tale of Mozart's strange and unexpected encounters, Lucy reveals how life wasn't easy for the little boy in a big bustling city. With the demands of a royal performance, the humiliation of playing keyboard tricks in a London pub, a near fatal illness and finding himself heckled on the streets, it was a lot for a child to take. But London would prove pivotal, for it was here that the young Mozart made his musical breakthrough, blossoming from a precocious performer into a powerful new composer. Lucy reveals that it was on British soil that Mozart composed his first ever symphony and, with the help of a bespoke performance, she explores how Mozart's experiences in London inspired his colossal achievement. But what should have earned him rapturous applause and the highest acclaim ended in suspicion, intrigue and accusations of fraud.
主演:TerriAnn Peters
导演:Alma Har'el
简介: Love True pushes the documentary genre further into new realms as it looks into the opposing realities of the "True Love" fantasy. Does our view of love change as we grow older? How do we make decisions about our love lives? Is there such a thing as true love? Are there invisible partners in our relationships? Past ghosts of ourselves? The film's reenactments of significant past experiences and glimpses at possible futures, created with non-actors playing the characters' older and younger selves, encourage the couples to confront the realities of their hopes and memories, and the effect they have on their love lives.
主演:埃迪·雷德梅恩 J. K. 罗琳 沃维克·戴维斯 凯瑟琳·沃特斯顿 丹·福勒 艾莉森·萨多尔 埃兹拉·米勒
导演:Leo Burley
简介: 跟随沃维克·戴维斯走进《神奇动物在哪里》电影的幕后,独家采访剧组工作人员,探索罗琳的魔法世界。
主演:Mary Beard
导演:Ian A Hunt
简介: Professor Mary Beard, renowned classicist and TV historian, is to explore what life was like in one of the world’s most extraordinary and iconic archaeological sites, in Pompeii: Life Before Death, a new landmark programme for BBC One. Mary Beard – a world Pompeii expert and author of Pompeii: Life Of A Roman Town – will be joining an international team as they bring the very latest technology to bear on this most extraordinary of archaeological sites. Mary Beard says: “This is a really exciting chance to find out more about the ordinary people who lived in ancient Pompeii. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm hoping we're going to unlock some if the secrets about who the people were.” For the first time, a team is CT scanning and fully investigating the world-famous casts of the bodies to analyse the skeletons trapped within, to ascertain all they can about who they were, where they came from and how they lived. A team is also conducting DNA analysis of the bodies for the first time. Elsewhere, the documentary will follow the work of recovering damaged frescoes and mosaics, the excavation and rebuilding of certain key buildings and the organisation and cataloguing of the thousands of astonishing artefacts in the storerooms – from loaves of bread to pet monkeys, paint pots to purses. It will shine a light on the work of archaeologists who are exploring the third of the town that has never been excavated, and will present a unique first look at the complete Pompeii in stunning CGI. Using the evidence gleaned from all this research, the BBC One film will piece together a full picture of daily life in Pompeii before the town was destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79.
导演:Victoria James
简介: The Cayman Islands. It is a Caribbean paradise of sun, sea and cocktails, but there is something else going on. Big money, big corporations... and seemingly no one paying a penny of tax. Now Jacques Peretti travels to Cayman in search of the truth about this controversial British tax haven, and uncovers some shocking revelations for what this sun-drenched island means for everyone back in Britain. Jacques meets the politicians, playboys and ex-pats on the islands in a bid to unravel the truth about a place with the population of Bognor Regis... but a trillion pounds in the bank!
简介: After years in the limelight, Selena Gomez achieves unimaginable stardom. But just as she reaches a new peak, an unexpected turn pulls her into darkness. This uniquely raw and intimate documentary spans her six-year journey into a new light.
主演:Martha Kearney Lucy Mangan Helen Oyeyemi
导演:Linda Sands
简介: A documentary on the lives of the Bronte family produced to mark the 200th anniversary of Charlotte's birth.
简介: 大卫·贝克汉姆将参与Disney+足球节目《拯救我们的球队》(Save Our Squad,暂译)。贝克汉姆将在节目中回到他小时候踢球的伦敦东部足球场,在那里指导一支在联赛中艰难生存的年轻草根球队。贝克汉姆和他的团队将带着这些球员、他们的教练以及他们的社区,展开一段振奋人心、改变人生的旅程。
导演:Andrés do Barro
简介:《空中浩劫》(Air Crash Investigation)是一个由加拿大的Cineflix公司所制作的纪录片节目。此节目主要介绍1970年代黑盒子发明之后所发生的近代重大航空事故。在第三季时,有三...
主演:Stephen Bogaert Damir Andrei Jim Annan
导演:Iain Robertson
简介:《空中浩劫》(Air Crash Investigation)是一个由加拿大的Cineflix公司所制作的纪录片节目。此节目主要介绍1970年代黑盒子发明之后所发生的近代重大航空事故。在第三季时,有三集穿插铁道事故及航海事故。 此节目在不同频道播出有不同的英文名称,于加拿大的Discovery频道播出时称为“Mayday”,在美国播出时称为“Air Emergency”,而在英国、法国和其他国家播出时称为“Air Crash Investigation”。 《空中浩劫》会以模拟演出的方式,分别以乘客、机师等不同人的视角,从一开始旅客登机、起飞,一直到事故发生、后续善后及调查为止,重现整个过程。在片中会穿插对于乘客及机师的访谈(若有生还者且其愿意受访时),另外也会访问空难调查人员、目击者等。取材以事故调查报告及相关新闻报道为主;若因调查单位不公开报告以致无法取得事故调查报告时,则会征询相关专家的说法以拼凑出全貌。 此节目对于飞机外观、空服员制服、机场等制作考究,但也并非100%做到与当时完全一样,偶有不相符之处,如波音737驾驶室变成空中客车A320驾驶室。模拟演出时,会找与当事人相貌近似的的演员参与。
导演:Mark Mainguy
简介: 原本平静的生活,突然被天降之灾撕碎;众人赋予期望的新机型,为何最终成为震动整个航空业的分水岭事件?一幕幕航空灾难大家依然记忆犹新,难以忘怀。空中浩劫第21季,将讲述近年曾经登上世界各地新闻头条的航空灾难事件背后的故事,揭开掩藏在最核心的真相。2021年4月下旬,空中浩劫第21季正式更新,敬请期待!
主演:成龙 罗伯特·雷德福 黄子华 佐佐木藏之介
导演:理查德·戴尔 彼得·韦柏 范立欣
简介: 曾成功推出电影《地球》的BBC地球影业带来了令人期待已久的续集——《地球:神奇的一天》,一段揭示自然界惊人力量的神奇旅程。一天内,我们跟随太阳的脚步从世界上最高的山到最远的岛、从野外的丛林走到繁华的城市。由于在电影制作技术上取得的惊人突破,从而我们可以让你能与一群难忘的角色亲密接触;幼年的斑马宝宝想要穿过一条湍急的河流, 英勇的企鹅爸爸每天都要从事一项与大海以性命相搏的工作来抚养家人,一个喜欢在大海里垂直着打瞌睡的抹香鲸家族,还有走在寻找真爱路上的树懒。《地球:神奇的一天》用幽默、亲密、感性而令人惊叹的电影感来讲述地球上这充满你见所未见而无法想象的神奇的每一天。
主演:阿曼达·诺克斯 Meredith Kercher Raffaele Sollecito Giuliano Mignini
导演:罗德·布莱克赫斯特 Brian McGinn
简介: 到底她是冷血谋杀室友的变态狂,还是不幸捲入无尽梦魇的清纯留学生?Netflix 原创纪录片《阿曼达·诺克斯》探索一桩恶名昭彰、名列世界各地头条新闻的凶杀桉,导演为罗德·布雷赫斯特 (Rod Blackhurst)(作品《独自》(Here Alone) 荣获翠贝卡电影节观众大奖)和布莱恩·麦金 (Brian McGinn)(作品《主厨的餐桌》(Chef’s Table) 荣获 IDA 奖),製作人为米特·海德 (Mette Heide)(作品《印度的女儿》(India’s Daughter) 荣获皮博迪奖)。
简介: Netflix出品的纪录片,聚焦贾老板此前在拉斯维加斯的一场演唱会的台前幕后,那场是他当初横跨两年的巡回演唱之旅的最后一站。
主演:把文翰 钱小华 庄崧冽 吴永红 钱海英 毛继鸿 张强
导演:施秋荣 胡弦
简介: 这部纪实电影围绕“永不违背内心”的主题,通过2年的跟踪拍摄,讲述了7位国内独立品牌创始人关于生活、关于创业、关于挣扎的故事。他们或卑微或渺小,遭遇的境况、事业发展的阶段也不尽相同,但不论身在何种现实的境遇,在追求理想和乌托邦的道路上,他们依旧遵从自己的内心,为未知前路的事业探索,因为他们知道人生不能重来,不能庸庸碌碌地活着。 影片由多位当今优秀的创业者真实出演:食材网店店主把文翰、先锋书店创始人钱小华、雕刻时光咖啡馆创始人庄崧冽、SoLife家具店创始人吴永红、加拿大班夫山地电影节中国区创始人Tina、服装品牌“例外”和公共空间“方所”的创始人毛继鸿、自由执业医生集团创始人张强。
主演:马修·沃尔夫 Jon Price Charlie Carter Sarah Lawn
导演:Peter Middleton 詹姆斯·斯宾尼
简介: A look at the life and work of Charlie Chaplin in his own words featuring an in-depth interview he gave to Life magazine in 1966.
主演:Gary Granville
导演:Bertrand Loyer
简介: The Giant Oarfish, the largest bony fish in the world, was known only by rare examples that died by stranding, as well as one sole fossil. Its extraordinary dimensions, as long as 15 meters, and shape in the form of a silver ribbon, inspired the myth of the sea serpent. For the past two years, scientific buoys, immersed at a depth of two thousand meters in the Mediterranean, off the French Riviera, have attracted countless species of pelagic fish ; among them, the Giant Oarfish drifting vertically, alone or by pairs. With the help of the world expert in Giant Oarfish and logistic collaboration of enthusiasts, a scientific expedition reveals the biology of this enigmatic ambassador of the abyss. Entirely shot in Ultra High Definition, the film raises the veil on its paradoxical habits: why do all the adults self-mutilate and rid themselves of two-thirds of their bodies without being affected? How do they meet in the immensity of the ocean? Why does this fish not have any known predators?
主演:兰斯·亨利克森 詹姆斯·卡梅隆 Walter Weintz 科特·罗文斯 Karl Kuhn Richard Doyle Heinz Steeg Kai Wulff Blake Sutton Dean James Chris Shafer David J. Bercuson Mike Cameron Holger Herwig David Lowe
导演:詹姆斯·卡梅隆 Gary Johnstone
简介:这部纪录片由吉布内和CNN Films合作拍摄,纪录了从乔布斯的童年住所到日本佛寺,再到苹果总部的办公室,回顾了乔布斯的人生经历。
导演:Nick Gillam-Smith
简介: Expert historian, yet novice rider, Lucy Worsley learns the 17th century art of horse ballet leading up to a public performance. Along the way, she explores the origins of this peculiar pastime, witnesses spectacular displays abroad and discovers its surprising legacies.
主演:劳伦斯·赖特 Mike Rinder Marty Rathbun 汤姆·克鲁斯 约翰·特拉沃尔塔
简介:《拨开迷雾:山达基教与信仰囚笼》是一部由亚历克斯·吉布尼执导,劳伦斯·赖特、Mike Rinder、Marty Rathbun等主演的纪录片,于2015年3月20日在美国上映。影片讲述了山达基教不为人知内幕的故事。2015年,该片获得第67届艾美奖-最佳纪录片/非剧情类特别节目提名
主演:Paul Bandey
导演:David Korn-Brzoza
简介: Beyond the famous speeches and wealth of media material on the statesman, we span the century as seen from behind the scenes of an exceptional itinerary in order to capture the true dimension of one of the greatest European political figures. Like a thrilling biopic, by turn moving, funny and epic, our documentary is up to its hero. Carefully remastered and colorized, the film draws from a wealth of visual and sound archives, to give an all-encompassing view of both the private and public man. Through the contrasted chapters of his existence, it thus offers a new, unseen before perspective on Churchill's character and how he related to power and his contemporaries in order to lift the veil on a colourful, puzzling, paradoxical and captivating personality.
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