主演:Errol James Snyder Kylie Furneaux Manu Toigo
简介:Two naked survivalists are challenged to survive for 21 days in the Costa Rican rainforest, despite ...
导演:Stephen Ujlaki Christopher Jacob Jones
简介: BAD FAITH exposes how Christian Nationalism has become the most powerful anti-democratic force in America, with an unparalleled ability to destroy democracy from within. Secular and interfaith leaders are joining forces to defend our country from this march to fascism, but Americans seem unaware of the threat.
主演:何塞普·瓜迪奥拉 埃尔林·哈兰德 埃德森 凯文·德布劳内 杰克·格里利什 鲁本·迪亚斯 菲尔·福登 胡利安·阿尔瓦雷斯 罗德里 凯尔·沃克 伯纳多·席尔瓦 约翰·斯通斯 伊卡尔伊·京东安 里亚德·马赫雷斯 斯科特·卡森 斯特凡·奥尔特加·莫雷诺 纳坦·阿克 曼努埃尔·阿坎吉 艾默里克·拉波特 里科·刘易斯 科尔·帕尔默 卡尔文·菲利普斯
简介: The 2022/23 season was the best in Manchester City’s 129-year history, as Pep Guardiola’s side achieved football immortality by winning the Premier League, Champions League and FA Cup. It was a truly historic achievement and to celebrate, our acclaimed fly-on-the-wall documentary Together is returning to provide an exclusive look behind the scenes of our Treble-winning campaign. The six-part docuseries, currently in production, will offer fans the complete inside story of City's greatest-ever season, with unseen footage charting the immersive journey our players and staff experienced en route to securing football’s Holy Grail. This is the story of a season like no other, as City once again stunned the world with the brilliance of our football.
简介: *这是一个热血父亲的终活物语 *也是女儿送给家人的永恆回忆 *本片在日本从11家戏院,飆长到115家戏院映演,感动持续热映中! 我叫砂田知昭,享年69岁。 67岁才退休的我,在例行的健康检查中,发现自己胃癌末期。 為了不让家人困扰,我开始写「终活笔记」。 我的小女儿(本片导演)问我在写什麼? 我回答她:「笨蛋才会在死之前告诉你。」 燃尽生命,再说一次「我爱你」 本片是是枝裕和御用副导砂田麻美初执导筒之作,记录自己父亲砂田知昭临终的那段日子。业务员出身,在同一间化学公司打拚超过四十年的砂田先生,在67岁退休后没多久,便被诊断出胃癌末期,正式进入人生最后阶段。即使如此,砂田先生还是正面以对,仍像往日幽默、热血。 砂田麻美拿起摄影机,跟随砂田先生日渐虚弱的身影,陪他完成「待办事项」;包括和孙女玩耍、邀母亲旅行、洗礼、对老婆说「我爱你」……其中更收录珍贵的家...
导演:余乐 李浩洋
简介: 该大型航拍系列纪录片是一部以空中视角俯瞰中国,全方位、立体化展示中国历史人文景观、自然地理风貌及经济社会发展变化的纪录片。 本季作为自2017年开播以来体量最大、创作规模最大、拍摄难度最大、创新特点最突出的一季,展示了中华大地的绝美物境,勾起魂牵梦绕的乡愁情境,具现历史文化的思想意境,共呈现广西、青海、香港、澳门、河南、湖北、辽宁、重庆、西藏、台湾、北京等11个省级行政区的自然生态、人文景观、经济社会发展面貌,展现新时代的中国形象、中国文化、中国精神、中国之治,从而使《航拍中国》系列纪录片成为中国纪录片史上首个从空中覆盖全国、记录当下中国真实面貌的大型系列纪录片。
主演:Andrew Stanway Maria Harper Marino
导演:Simon Ludgate
简介: This was the first of the videos that started a trend of sex education videos in the early 1990s . I guess the idea behind it was for liberated women to go into a high street store and buy it without any type of guilt or inhibition , but no doubt the main buyer market was teenage boys and dirty old men THE LOVERS GUIDE is groundbreaking in the fact that it publicised that the couples involved were real life partners but this is slightly dishonest , yes the main couple featured Wendy and her husband were indeed a real life couple who'd been married several years but there was some public controversy that at least one of the couples Kathryn ( The gorgeous brunette ) and Marino ( The well buffed geezer with a ponytail ) had never met one another until they appeared on set where they had unprotected sex for the camera . For a video that self righteously dedicates segments to safe sex it is rather hypocritical Seeing as it's for education purposes and not pornography as such there's limits as to what can be shown but as a sex education video it's not uninformative though I doubt if you'll be gasping " I never knew that " As a footnote the main couple featured became something of sexual problem agony aunts in the British press - Until it was revealed that Wendy's husband had a serious heart condition which put a stop to sex . I almost felt sorry for this couple who confessed that they used to make love as often as ten times a day but now couldn't make love once a day because it was too dangerous . My small amount of sympathy soon vanished when shortly afterwards the couple split up and raced off to the gutter press in order to dish the dirt on one another to the highest bidder .
主演:Jason Winn 'J.B. Destiny' Bareford
导演:Brandon Salisbury
简介: 本片聚焦于1998年由乔治·A·罗梅罗自编自导、但最终未能成行的游戏改编作《生化危机》的幕后故事。 罗梅罗的剧本大体基于第一部游戏的情节,克里斯被设定为印第安裔农场主,和stars的吉尔有着浪漫关系;除了丧尸外还会有猎杀者、42号植物及暴君等怪物出现。据传最终因卡普空方面缺乏兴趣以及片方对预算有争议而遭到废弃。 《乔治·罗梅罗的生化危机》将不会采用传统的访谈记录形式,而将融合存档镜头、采访资料乃至对原始剧本场景的还原来展现大师最原初的构想。
主演:安德鲁·弗林托夫 克里斯·哈里斯 帕迪·麦吉尼斯
导演:Nigel Simpkiss
简介: 作为全球公认顶级汽车IP,《Top Gear巅峰拍档》至今已有40余年的节目历史,超3.5亿的全球观众,被吉尼斯认证世界最受欢迎的汽车节目。凭借其独一无二的节目风格,电影级别的制作水准,层出不穷的测评创意BBC旗下的《Top Gear巅峰拍档》为全世界的观众带来了一档颠覆概念的汽车节目。 《Top Gear巅峰拍档》第28季于2月25日开始在B站全网独播。本季继续沿用前季主持阵容:英国国民喜剧演员、知名节目主持人帕迪•麦吉尼斯(Paddy Mcguiness),英国板球传奇球员兼知名节目主持人弗雷迪•弗林托夫(Freddie Flintoff)与拥有“汽车百科全书”之称的克里斯•哈里斯(Chris Harris)。全季包含6集精彩内容:165米驾车蹦极;迈凯轮VS战斗机圈速赛;人车越野PK赛,等等。主持人携手走访瑞士、美国、墨西哥、秘鲁等国家,领略美景的同时应对全新的极限挑战。
主演:麦克·霍克 Ruth England
导演:Mark Westcott
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