主演:法拉德·阿巴丁尼贾德 贾斯米娜·阿里 罗齐塔·阿萨多拉希 阿利雷扎·贝拉姆 扎拉·阿米尔·阿布拉希米 希尔·艾罗格路
简介: 强制披戴的头纱下,是三个伊朗女性的暗黑命运。一个因丈夫吸毒坐牢,要独力照顾不能说话的幼儿,不获批淮离婚再嫁,只好卖淫为生。一个怀孕后好不容易找到工作,丈夫却拒签同意书让她上班。一个情不自禁与年轻乐手发生关系,却因为失去处女身而一身蚁。充满禁忌的父权国度,到处是性别歧视、 虚伪做假、滥权渎职。一个恶作剧电话,更凸显女性面对的巨大压力。如此故事,只能用动画呈现,以绿幕拍下真人演出,再利用转描技术做出栩栩如生又带强烈控诉的德黑兰风情画。入选康城影展影评人周及安锡国际动画电影节。
主演:扎拉·阿米尔·阿布拉希米 Mehdi Bajestani Arash Ashtiani Forouzan Jamshidnejad Sina Parvaneh Nima Akbarpour Mesbah Taleb Firouz Ageli Sara Fazilat Alice Rahimi Ariane Naziri Sima Seyed Farhad Faghih Habibi M. Ali Nazarian
简介: 一个女记者深入伊朗最神圣的城市马什哈德,追踪调查连环凶手“蜘蛛杀手”以“清洗街头罪恶”为名残害女性性工作者,但随着死亡人数的剧增,以及真相的接近,记者发现整个社会开始奉“蜘蛛杀手”为英雄,这使得她追寻正义的机会变得渺茫。
简介: Mehran Tamadon explores what it was like being interrogated by the Iranian regime by asking prisoners to reconstruct their experiences. Alongside his companion film Where God Is Not, My Worst Enemy finds Tamadon shifting focus from the interrogated to the interrogator. The filmmaker sought an individual who had been interrogated by Iranian authorities in order to draw on their experiences to play an interrogator. The role finally fell to the Cannes-winning lead actor of Holy Spider, Zar Amir Ebrahimi. Together in an anonymous room, with Tamadon stripped to his underwear, they reconstruct the interrogation process, which gradually becomes an examination of the nature of power and coercion. The resulting film is intense and, at times, uncomfortable. And as it progresses, My Worst Enemy becomes an exploration of cinema’s relationship with its audience, questioning whether there is a limit to what it can show.
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